#AtoZ Theme Reveal 2019: 26 Myths and Legends

It all began with a clip I saw of Graham Norton where Stephen Fry talked about how we have lost the hearth and we don’t gather around for storytelling anymore. And then I read Norse Mythology, remembering what Stephen Fry had said and I instantly visualized me with a lot of unknown kids, sitting aroundContinue reading “#AtoZ Theme Reveal 2019: 26 Myths and Legends”

Happy two to my tales

Dear tales of Suchita, It’s been two years since I started you without any plans and I am happy to report that streak continues still. I seem to bask in the glory of this unprepared creativity a lot but I am also happy to report that while I may not always be regaling you withContinue reading “Happy two to my tales”

A kiss

Radha had shut himself in his room once the shouting match with his mother had come to an abrupt end when dadi had started to wail. She had managed to divert the conversation into how it was Radha’s mother’s fault that he had turned into a pansy. The argument had turned sour so quickly, RadhaContinue reading “A kiss”

The spilt ink

The thief had made the first move. It was inevitable but Radha hadn’t expected such a brazen attack. Also the timing of said attack was extremely suspicious. He had spoken to Priyanka only the day before about the pencils. And now this. For the first time his conviction that the thief had to be aContinue reading “The spilt ink”

Radha my hero

This is a continuation. In case you missed post g, check here. The door, unlike the gate, required no effort to push. Immediately suspicious, Radha threw out his hand to stop Priyanka from entering the house. Seeing his hand, she huffed in irritation. “There are no ghosts here.” Damn it but she was still whispering.Continue reading “Radha my hero”

The message in the feather

The embargo had been lifted. Mayur and Sagar could start playing detective again. No one was happier than Radha’s dadi. She still nurtured the hope that the two boys would positively influence her grandson and make a man out of…out of whatever he was currently. If only she knew the influence that Radha had onContinue reading “The message in the feather”

Who kicked the dustbin?

When Radha and his classmates returned to their classroom after a rousing match of football… Radha was rather good at this sport, thank you very much. “Dev D” thought it was the technique and muscles that made him so good at the sport. And yet, it was Radha who had scored the first goal ofContinue reading “Who kicked the dustbin?”