Barbie and being Kenough

Generally, when I watch a woman-centric movie, I am accompanied by this melancholy that stems from knowing a lot of people won’t watch it because it’s “talking about a cause I don’t relate with” or “I’m not the right audience” or “how many times will they say the same thing, we know things have toContinue reading “Barbie and being Kenough”

The utilitarianism of violence and other things that puzzle me #BlogchatterBlogHop

Here are 4 things about today’s world that puzzle me [yup I’m just directly going to start]: Who runs the world? Whenever I watched Game of Thrones, the one thing that always stood out to me was how little the people who were fighting to rule Westeros and sit on the iron throne cared aboutContinue reading “The utilitarianism of violence and other things that puzzle me #BlogchatterBlogHop”

The other side of creativity

Any time I tell someone I’m a writer, I have received one of two questions. It’s either are you published. Or where can I read you. The second question is answered easily enough. I have a blog now and it is the most comprehensive way to read how or what I write. The first questionContinue reading “The other side of creativity”

10 things you can do for your mental health

I did a thought experiment recently that had only two questions. One of those questions was what you do for your mental health every day. I thought this was an important question because it would remind you to slow down and go through your day to understand that every day, we’re doing small activities thatContinue reading “10 things you can do for your mental health”